„Floating-Futures“ – Conference,
Vision-Workshop, Captains-Dinner
Nov.25th from 1-5 PM GMT-zone
Our future will be floating, at least a part of it.
When we started building floating islands out of trash back in the last century, people were amused and called us crazy… We just resumed: „This is Art and shows our future. The demand for floating islands rises in line with the sea-levels“. Nowadays we see lots of floating innovations for renaturation and water purification, to grow food under and above the waterline, in the fields of energy production and mobility infrastructure and last not least in tourism and architecture.
Most of these projects will be of great benefit for the people and companies involved – and hopefully for our ecosystem planet earth. But maybe not for the people in need, living on the seashore and riverbanks, highly vulnerable to inland flooding and sea-level rise. With the rapidly ongoing climate change, the waters will become a major threat for humanity. But don´t they also bear solutions for our critical situation on the water-planet?
With the „Floating Futures“ conference and vision-workshop, we´re looking for floating innovations:
- small-scale solutions to raise resilience for local communities
- sustainable businesses to be adopted by people in other regions
- ecological innovations to restore nature and fight climate change
- weird visions, how to live on and with water
If you´re interested in these topics, join the „Floating Futures“ conference with two world-famous speakers and a vision workshop on floating future projects.
„Floating Futures“ on Nov. 25th consists of three parts:
From 1 – 3 PM (GMT): the Vision-Workshop for floating innovations (online via Zoom, with moderated Miro-boards)
From 3 – 5 PM (GMT): the Floating-Futures conference with Cesar Harada (Singapore) and Richart Sowa (Brazil), moderated by Nicole Loeser (Berlin)
Afterwards, you can stay online for the glocal Captains-Dinner with informal chats and storytelling as long as we want.

Join in to the vision-workshop right before the conference. Within this co-creative format, we combine interdisciplinary knowledge and intercultural ideas, local problems and global experience to 3 ad-hoc visions, that will be presented right afterwards within the conference. That will be serious fun!
And meet the Makers afterwards. Prepare your dinner (or whatever), make yourself comfortable and join the Captains Dinner to talk and listen, to connect and envision „Floating Futures“.
Technical requirements: The „Floating-Futures“ workshop and conference will be hosted from our floating headquarter in Hanover/Germany via Zoom. Make sure to have a stable connection. Join the visions workshop only with computer (not a mobile phone), as we´ll use an additional board for interactive cocreation via the MIRO app. Make sure to have enough bandwith and eventually a computer-mouse.

Or click this link to watch the Livestream (only the conference from 3-5PM GMT)
At the conference, you´ll meet these great makers & speakers:
Cesar Jung-Harada is a Singapore-based French-Japanese designer, environmentalist, educator and entrepreneur.
He has developed shape-shifting ships and sailing drones, low-tech energy production systems for fishermen and much more. Cesar loves „Open-source“, as we don´t have time to „not share“ innovations in the age of climate change.
Richart Sowa is an English artist, who lived on his self-built plastic bottle island in Yucatan/Mexico for many years. As a genious practicioner he has developed or adopted several low-tech innovations on his floating paradise, that makes living on water really comfortable. His new island in Brazil is meant to become a prototype for hundreds of huge floating mangrove forests, that can make a difference for climate change through carbon sequestration.
Our goal: the Float-Generator for open-source knowledge and solutions,
helping independent floating projects around the globe to grow, improve and connect.

Let´s start the Float-Generator!
- Share some interesting float-content for „Living on/with water“
> Click here for your entry form for the Float-Generator (3 min. survey / sorry, formular in German) - Or share and comment any relevant article, blog-post or website for „Living on/with water“ on your or our Social-Media channels with the hashtags #floating #openisland #floatingfuture
You find us on twitter / facebook / instagram / linkedin - Welcome aboard!
Your participation and knowledge gets the Float-Generator growing…
An open repository, glocal coworking app & float community
Why floating?
The demand for floating islands rises in line with the sea levels.
Inland floods will more and more effect regions all over the world.
Who floats?
Regular people along the rivers and coastlines, affected by floods and sea level rise can´t afford hightech solutions to face the climate change related problems.
They need cheap, easy, smart solutions:
- open-source
- appropriate
- multifunctional
- low-tech
- sustainable
To collect and connect, to facilitate and distribute such open solutions is the aim of the Float-Generator.

Who else floats?
Artists and engineers, architects, ecologists and entrepreneurs also work on floating installations with their different perspectives and approaches. They all come up with specific ideas and creative innovations in the fields of
- arts & culture
- design & architecture
- offgrid systems & applications
- agri- & aquaculture
- floating biotopes & clean-up systems
- business & social innovation
On the Float-Generator, they will find interdisciplinary inspiration and DIY-manuals for low-tech solutions to be implemented. And they can even set up their individual online coworking space with many useful features.
An open float-community
And most likely, the different makers will get in contact with each other through the Float-Generator. Makers help each other and share their knowledge and experience. And on floating islands, you always have some weird story to chat about 😉
Beside these interdisciplinary connections and multicultural friendships, the Float-Generator hopes to raise awareness for humanitarian and ecological water issues and wants to facilitate cooperative developments of open-innovations and help to implement them on location, where needed.

Give and take:
To join the Float-Generator, you need to contribute some relevant content first. Share a floating best-practise project, help discover related open knowledge or provide a useful DIY manual. Then you´ll get access to the platform and can even set up your own project space for online cocreation.
The Float-Generator is radically bottom-up and self-organized. We believe in swarm intelligence and the power of cooperation. We work for positive impact, not individual profits. However – you´ll find your personal benefit on the platform, for your project team or within this float community. Promise.

an open-source repository
Best-practises, galleries, manuals, contacts for „Living on/with water“.

Glocal coworking, online
Set up your project space among likeminded teams and interdisciplinary makers worldwide. Our open-source platform provides many intuitive management features and it´s free, if you share your knowledge and innovation with the world.

a tribe, maybe?
We love to float as water is our element. We want to save and use nature and her wonders for common benefit. Our visions and actions become open-innovations and we all know, that an inspired bunch of people can change the world, if they cooperate. > And this community can be a lot of fun…
How to find and share knowledge, improve and implement open innovations.
A circle of innovation and impact through cocreative prototyping.

The Float Generator is an open-source project of the Makers For Humanity e.V. and the Open-Island community.
Locally, the project is based on a motorized houseboat „ZuKunst“ in Hanover/Germany.
Globally, the „Open-Island“ network and cocreation platform social.m4h.network lives from its users interaction and content. Feel free to join the Float-Generator.
As a bottom-up project, it develops slowly step by step. If you want to see it grow, join in.
For information or cooperation get in contact: joy(@)m4h.network