An OpenCall on „Collaborative Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation“ from the European Union sounded, as if we had written it ourselves… The vision of a platform, we hardly dared to dream of, at Sealand Multiversity. But we thought: „hey – why not – let´s try to grow fast and address this Call.“ (presentation of this call by Fabricio Sestini)
We were invited to present the Sealand Multiversity concept anyway at the „Social Capital World Forum 2012“ in Gothenburg/Sweden. So we used this opportunity, meeting up with great minds and souls from all over the planet, to promote the Sealand Multiversity strategy (see video) and assemble an international team to realize it on european level right away.
Once proclaimed, helpful people, appealing ideas and related content immediately began to appear, rounding the concept off. We submitted it under the project name „Multinnova“ on 15.1.2013 and you can help keeping fingers crossed, that our artistic approach isn´t too funky for the ICT-section of EU…
Finally, in a cold december night, the Multinnova core team members lighted up their torches to collaboratively spark a glocal fire of change through the Multinnova metaplatform for social innovation.
We proudly present the Multinnova team:
Rasmus Pedersen/CopenhagenBusiness School, Denmark + Ina Lauth/Lauth Transmedia, Germany + Joy Lohmann/Sealand Multiversity c/o artlab4, Germany + Bert-Ola Bergstrand/Social Capital World Forum, Sweden + Philippe Greier/playmakers industries, Austria + Ernestina Menasalvas/University of Madrid, Spain + Joachim Lohkamp/Jolocom, Germany + Anna Blume aka Antje Oltmanns, Germany + and many friends, partners, advisors.
Thank you all for your support 🙂
More information here, soon. Or join the discussion on the facebook group Multinnova.