von Joy Lohmann | Oktober 22, 2014 | all news, future fleet, Open-Islands |
Noch können wir keine Details veröffentlichen, aber soviel steht fest: OPEN-ISLAND kommt 2015 nach Berlin! Die Open-Source Schwimm-Insel aus Recyclingmaterial soll in einer Reihe Workshops mit verschiedenen Partnern in Berlin entstehen und im Sommer auf der Spree zu...
von Joy Lohmann | April 3, 2014 | all news, future fleet, Open-Islands, vision/background |
Sometimes it is an hazardous game to send out media informations and you never know, what journalists/bloggers will write. Even more if it is a complex project like our Open-Island, packed with new terms and thinking. But „the Goan“ got it on the point...
von Joy Lohmann | März 16, 2014 | all news, Open-Islands |
In January/February 2014, the Sealand Multiversity initiated the 5 weeks „asapisland 3.0“ workshop in South Goa, India. See the logbook of these 5 weeks of passionate work, cocreative improvisation and joyful learnings within a multicultural interdisciplinar team,...
von Joy Lohmann | Februar 15, 2014 | all news |
The last 5 weeks were an inspiring and equally intense process of co-creating a floating island out of trash. More pictures and manuals of all of our low-tech innovations to come soon. In the meantime, you can watch and follow the daily foto-logbook in our asap-island...
von Joy Lohmann | Januar 9, 2014 | all news, future fleet, Open-Islands |
Co-create & share a recycled floating island. The demand for floating islands rises with the sealevels. An interdisciplinary global team has started to build artificial islands out of recycled materials. Their 3rd asap-island workshop in Rio de Janeiro, Hanover...
von Joy Lohmann | Dezember 31, 2013 | all news, Open-Islands, vision/background |
This glocal event is about (re)inventing cocktails with regional ingredients, sharing recipes, experiences, fun and surviving it 🙂 Simultaneously we will mix, chat and party worldwide on Saturday, 18.1.2014. „Co-cktails“ is based on the Worldwide...