Together with landscape planners, engineers, eco-activists and cultural-creative folks from Bangalore/India and all over, we together focus on urban water bodies within our upcoming „Lake-of-Change“ MakerCamp.
„Lake of change“ starts as a participatory process and cross-cultural happening on a „Kalyani“ (Indian temple-tank) in Bangalore/India. Our goal is to prototype a variety of EcoDesigns, capable to improve the treatment and overall quality of the city’s water bodies. The approach is interdisciplinary and experimental: we welcome all ideas, designs, concepts and best-practices that can help transform the neglected water bodies into creative, healthy public spaces. We envision productive lakes with local food production, social entrepreneurships and culture, sports and leisure facilities on and around the patronized biospheres. The huge potential of urban water-bodies is waiting to be discovered at the „Lake of change“ and beyond. Download info pdf for the Lake-of-Change

Our activities within the Lake-of-Change:
19.11.-15.12.2018: Artist interim program with/at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology with 14 students, led by Benedikt Schlund & Joy Lohmann. (Rapid prototyping of applied EcoDesigns for Lake-of-Change, presentation on 14.12.2018 at Rangoli Metro Art Center, MG Rd.)
9.12.2018: „LoC dialogues“ on the overall situation of urban water bodies in Bangalore and cultural-creative eco designs (with barcamp, workshops and exhibition), 10 AM – 5 PM, Rangoli Metro Art Center, MG Rd.
10.-16.12.2018: Open international „Lake of Change“ Maker-Camp at Jakkur Lake, Bangalore. Join the cocreation of our new Open-Island and other installations, sculptures and performances. For details and to sign up, please join the LoC facebook group.
22.12.2018: Lake-of-Change happening at Jakkur Lake. Our little final festival will assemble all involved makers and performers of this years Float-Action. (Program and more details to come asap)

Continuously, we invite makers, designers, activists to submit their EcoDesigns on the makers4humanity crowdsourcing platform HERE.
Download info pdf for the EcoDesign Challenge