von Joy Lohmann | Dezember 1, 2018 | all news, future fleet, Open-Islands |
Transforming a riksha to an Impact-Kiosk As the River Ganges in Varanasi is the most holy water-body throughout India, we @makers4humanity were not allowed to float an upcycled island on the first attempt. So we used the limited time of our maker-camp to...
von Joy Lohmann | Juni 14, 2018 | all news, Open-Islands, vision/background |
(English version below) Nach der rasanten Entwicklung, dem Bau und der Wasserung auf dem m4h-Lab in Ferropolis sowie der öffentlichen Präsentation auf der MakerFaire Berlin wurde heute der Bauplan für die HexaFloat Schwimmmodule der Open-Island 2.0 open-source...
von Joy Lohmann | April 25, 2018 | all news, future fleet, Open-Islands, vision/background |
Jetzt geht´s los: die ersten „HexaFloat“-Prototypen (modulare Inselteile) von Open-Island 2.0 werden zu Pfingsten beim makers4humanity-Lab 2018 in Ferropolis gewassert. 🙂 (sorry, this post is in German only :-/) Viele Jahre haben wir mit wechselnden...
von Joy Lohmann | März 13, 2017 | all news, Open-Islands, vision/background |
The #makers4humanity join efforts in the ancient city Varanasi (Banares) at the holy Ganga River to build an „Impact-Kiosk“ prototype. This creatively extended Rickshaw…
von Joy Lohmann | Dezember 26, 2016 | all news, Open-Islands, vision/background |
After realizing Open-Islands in India, Thailand and Germany, the emerging „makers4humanity“ collective now focuses on the next step to raise the impact of their projects. With the upcoming „Impact-Kiosk“ project in Varanasi, they combine the...
von Joy Lohmann | Oktober 7, 2016 | all news, Open-Islands |
The day after… …the splash Festival in Ferropolis/Central Germany, 2016. We collected all the useful trash from only a little part of the campgrounds and were well equipped for the next stage of the floating island. It was about transforming the collected...