von Joy Lohmann | August 10, 2013 | all news, future fleet, Open-Islands, vision/background |
Ready for your tropical island? (>Artikel auf deutsch lesen>) This coming winter season 2013/14, asap-island will grow within a collaborative glocal process, providing opportunities for all interested cocreators to join: 1. Scouting content: innovative materials...
von Joy Lohmann | Juli 18, 2013 | Open-Islands, vision/background |
In December 2012, on the way to the Social Capital World Conference in Gothenburg/Sweden, we stopped by at Julie Trans MakeChange TV studio in Copenhagen/Denmark to shoot some material for the kickoff-trailer of the Sealand Multiversity. Lovely Julie jumped at the...
von Joy Lohmann | Februar 24, 2013 | all news, future fleet, Open-Islands, vision/background |
Our new upcycling vessel and floating island „SALY“ in the indian media. > „Times of India, Goa“, 3.3.2013 (by Karsten Miranda): > „Herald of Goa“, 24.2.2013 (by Nishitha Nair Shrivastava):
von Joy Lohmann | Juli 18, 2012 | all news, vision/background |
We´re about to develop an inflatable architecture to upgrade a former sea-fortress into the Sealand Multiversity. With a little help (and material) from the leading company for sky-sails (megakites for container ships), we´ll play around with it at the Borderland...
von Joy Lohmann | Mai 29, 2012 | Open-Islands, vision/background |
Thanks to our crowd-funders and all involved volunteers and friends, we could afford to present at this years Vision Summit, Potsdam/Germany. We showcased our vision „asap-island“ and the brand new „SEALAND Multiversity of the Seven Seas“ as...
von Joy Lohmann | Mai 14, 2012 | future fleet, vision/background |
Positioned as an Art-Installation directly in front of the town-hall of Hanover in 2009, the „future-islands“ gained immense public attention, as they summarized all the previously achieved experience in floating gardening and formed a trendy symbol for...